My Name is Chris Holbert, and I am a Professional Pilot and Paramotor Instructor.
In 2013 I took a break from racing sportbikes and instructing at Mid Ohio Sports Car Course and followed my passion for aviation. I went to the local airport and put in the mandatory 40 hours required to obtain a pilots license. I purchased a Light Sport airplane and began flying all around Ohio and Kentucky. After a season of flying I started looking for something more exciting. In 2014 I was introduced to paragliding and shortly after that became obsessed with paramotoring as well. After learning to fly a paramotor I spent every moment possible focused on getting better at flying. Soon after I wanted to share my new found freedom with everyone. I wanted anyone who had the desire to fly, to be able to experience the thrill of running into the sky.
“I started looking for something more exciting. In 2014, I was introduced to paragliding…”
In 2016 I decided to focus on providing the best paramotor instruction available. 2018 I mentored under, and trained with Matt Minyard. I received my PPG3 from Scott Baxter and Steve Reed at Midwest Parajet. I have also earned my tandem exemption from the FAA. This exemption allows me to provide foot launch and wheel launch tandem flights. Every year I continue to mentor and train with Chris Santacroce at Superflyinc where I received my USPPA instructor training. I am a Parajet Team Pilot and a member of the USA Paramotor Slalom Race Team. I represent the US in competitions around the world. We also have an acro performance team and provide demonstrations to promote the sport of paramotor. I will continue to train and mentor in order to evolve as an instructor and help other instructors to grow the sport in the safest way possible.
Instructed Motorcycle Racing
Got a private pilots license
Introduced to Paragliding
Started Instructing
Began training with the best pilots and instructors in the United States
Instructed Motorcycle Racing
Got a private pilots license
Introduced to Paragliding
Started Instructing
: Began training with the best pilots and instructors in the United States
“There is no sport equal to that which aviators enjoy while being carried through the air on great white wings. More than anything else, the sensation is one of perfect peace mingled with an excitement that strains every nerve to the utmost if you can conceive of such a combination” –Wilbur Wright